Sunday 17 May 2009

Wool for all seasons

Things have been dreadfully busy recently, but, on the positive side, I had to clear out my workshop for a feltmaking class and it's at times like this that I realise just how many fleeces I have. I now have one bed and breakfast room full, absolutely full, of fleeces, plus a sitting room, yurt and my own bedroom pretty much overloaded with the stuff. The problem is that every fleece is so different, so I just can't part with any, just in case it happens to be the one I need next. Also, now that my workshop is clear I can get back into production, and since the things that I like to make most of all are BIG things the fleece disappears alarmingly quickly once I get felting or spinning.

Unfortunately there are too many distractions, such as my new wool picker, that I'm just itching to try out. It's also getting to the time when I start needing to think about clipping my own sheep and pondering who else has sheep with fleeces I might like for this year. My absolute favourite fleeces for felting have to be Ziggy and Bob's (sorry, Jack, I love you most and you're a very close second!). I suppose that's just another excuse for more photos of lovely sheep and their fleeces from the 2008 clip!

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