Saturday 13 August 2011

North Pennines Wool Trail

Well the Wool Trail went very well indeed.  We had a steady stream of visitors throughout the day with the occasional huge influx, and Ruth and I enjoyed ourselves enormously.  I was doing my usual felting, peg loom weaving and tea making, but Ruth was doing wonders with her natural dyes.  Here are some images of Ruth, her yarn and her splendid fire box in our green woodworking tent.

We also had a small helper fetching and carrying and giving tours of the sheep, so thank you also to Gabriel.


  1. I love the colour of the darker blue hanging in the middle. Glad it went well.


  2. Thank you. The darker blue is dyed using woad. I also like the bright green very much. That one is dyed using weld, then overdyed with woad. And there's a very nice small purply skein next to the longer oranges - that's dyed using alkanet. It's all very fascinating stuff.


  3. I wish I could have been with you, it sounds wonderful. Maybe I can travel over from Ireland another time!
