Tuesday 24 November 2009

Even the comments book is a work of art

This is the comments book for the Cowshill Village Hall Centenary Exhibition, opening on Friday. Isn't it lovely?
And here's an image from the photo archive showing the hall in 1918.

And this is the wonderful proggy mat, another dimension to the exhibition. Isn't it sweet?

And, finally, here's a detail from the forty ft long felt frieze.

The exhibition is running from 28th November to 5th December, then it's going on tour. It's first stop will be Beamish Museum, although the felt frieze will remain in situ in the hall. We've been hanging the frieze today and I've seen some of the other bits for the first time, including the wonderful photographs taken by Louise, who also orchestrated the entire project. There's also the photo archive, oral history project, specially composed folk song, and heaven knows what else. If you can make it to Cowshill Village Hall next week I promise you will not be disappointed.


  1. It really does look lovely - and I hope the weather has dried up a bit for you, too!

    Pomona x

  2. count me in - I am definately coming to see this!

  3. Great exhibition, and I fancy I found the felt frieze fenominal ;-)
